Hola familia!
It is getting cold in Argentina!!! I got to use tights! and my winter coat! It was great! OtoƱo is here! Autumn is here in Argentina!
This past week has been a great week and has flown by super fast! I don´t even know where to begin!
We had zone conference this past week and it was amazing! It helped me so much remember my purpose here! I am here to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel by faith in Jesus Christ and his atonement, repentance baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end (preach my gospel!) haha. It is a great purpose to be here. But in zone conference I was able to remember and to learn that I am here not to WIN success. Success isn´t won... but it is given from the Lord to his faith and obedient disciples. It was a huge lesson and I was so thankful to have learned it!
This week my testimony of the gift of tongues continued to be strengthen as this week in Church it was my turn to translate the classes and sacrament meeting! Wow was it soooo fun! and hard! Haha and sometimes I am sure they didn´t understand me, but it was great to be able to try and to receive help from the Lord! Yesterday after church I was reading in the Book of Mormon and the Bible and just felt such joy, I know that personal revelation comes from reading the scriptures and pondering them. It was amazing as the spirit helped me understand more of what the Lord expects of me from my misison and my life! I was reading in 1 Peter chapters 3 and 4. They are amazing and short chapters that have so much doctrine about the plan of salvation in them! They are so great.
This week we have seen so many miracles because of the faith the Lord has given us. After p.day on Monday last week we went to work! We talked with everyone and went to all our appointments and most of the fell through! Haha but it was OK. We kept being hopeful and happy. I know that the Lord guided us. It was amazing the energy with which we worked and the Lord blessed us with success. The results to me were great but at the same time they were not important For the first time I felt that I was able to work with faith and without doubting in the plan of the Lord. When things fell through, I felt the spirit of confidence in knowing that the Lord would guide us. I know that we can all feel that in whatever things we are doing. Leaving the doubts of Satan at the door and making sure they stay there! I know that a lot of times we don´t reach our potential or do the things the Lord would have us do because we doubt, In ourselves or in his plan for us! We are children of God, armed with spiritual qualities and talents. Just as we all want the best for our children, nieces and nephews, investigators, our Heavenly Father wants the best for us and he will always take care of us! Unshakable faith!
"If the blessings come, the will come, if not we will continue to move forward the same!!!! "-PRES Olsen --my misison pres. he is amazing!!!
I hope you all have a great week! Read and pray always! They are the bread and water of life! Have you ever tried to go with out bread and water for as long as we have gone with out reading or praying! I know that Heavenly Father loves us, this is His Church.
Have a great week! Les amo!
Hermana Miller--- enjoy your weekend in Utah!!! Wish I could be there to see Cayden be baptized! I am so proud of him and his amazing parents! Love you!
New Book of Mormons for the area!
9 month mark. The Elders burn a tie and the Sisters show a picture of them pregnant to show that if anyone in the family should get pregnant at that time then they will be home to enjoy the birth!